Word Of The Day:

His words:

Watch out! The Clock Is Ticking!

The Singing Box

Friday, February 4, 2011

So true this is you will never see.

Do you see how broad your thinking is? It's broader than the sky. Do you see how wide your acceptance is? It's wider than the sea, or the grassy field. Do you see how beautiful your modesty is? It's even beautiful than the stars above the sky, or the crystals and pearls beneath the ocean, or the blindingly exquisite sunset. See how much bigger than the world you are now, my dear?

1 comment:

The Stone Angel said...

lovely ! little confusing blog but nice one. i liked the way you tried to express yourself.esp the line 'I am not here to judge you but to listen you'.That's what the world needs badly 'someone to listen'