Word Of The Day:

His words:

Watch out! The Clock Is Ticking!

The Singing Box

Friday, December 14, 2007

Oh my gosh...

Guess what, I felt not very alergic to most things.. D:. It's a hard time for me. I meant "not very alergic" which means I'm starting to lose interest in most things I ever loved and crazed about. It's sad :*(. Well hopefully it will recover, someone needs to cheer me up D;. In the mean time, I started to love a new game I've been wanting to play the whole time, so called 9dragons. I love that game, I've been playing it lately.. well still playing it but :/, I usually don't like playing games but I only love some games, cuz I love doing graphics, now playing a game cuz I have a life too >:) :P anyways, just had a hair-cut today, preparation for school. .__., school again :|, well I'll continue more about things later on... Bad things happening.. gotta solve it, story continues next time >;) be sure to check back frequently.

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