Word Of The Day:

His words:

Watch out! The Clock Is Ticking!

The Singing Box

Monday, March 1, 2010


sorry haven't been so productive lately, been more focused on finding out the meaning of life
here are some to push the delight
- enjoy :d

My love, that is immortal, rides the wind and spreads and sprinkles its little buds that rain across the egoistic ground.

I'm a fighter in this world, with the skill, not to fight, but to protect. I am the man in this world, with wisdom, not to destroy others, but to protect, forgive, and heal.

Her love, indeed, is spiritual rest.

There's something I want you to know, is that my heart pounds in great desire for you.

I wanna strip off my earthly skin and reach to heaven's arms.

This woeful world, I've put my feet of flesh to walk across it.

In great sorrows, oh in great sorrows, let me wipe those weeping sorrowful eyes. Dear you see a beautiful world, right after the sorrowful rain on ye' eyes. Please be happy.

I'm not here to hate you or judge you, I'm here to help you and make amends.

My heart is a messy room, filled with posters and stickers and notes and admiration of you, please do not enter my room, because you will mess things up. I do not want to clean up the memories of you.


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